Lines Matching defs:stats

49 # <stat_config.ini>: .ini file that describes which stats to be included
55 # stats.txt[.gz], and system.tasks.txt.)
86 help=".ini file that describes which stats to be included \
93 stats.txt[.gz], and system.tasks.txt.)")
784 # Global stats object that contains the list of stats entries
798 # Union of all stats to accelerate parsing speed
814 print "Parsing stats config.ini file..."
825 stats = Stats()
833 stats.register(item, group, i, True)
847 stats.register(name, group, i, False)
856 stats.register(item, group, i, False)
859 stats.createStatsRegex()
861 return stats
863 # Parse and read in gem5 stats file
865 def readGem5Stats(stats, gem5_stats_file):
867 print "Parsing gem5 stats file..."
888 print "ERROR opening stats file", gem5_stats_file, "!"
891 stats_not_found_list = stats.stats_list[:]
900 print "WARNING: IO error in stats file"
915 # Final tick in gem5 stats: current absolute timestamp
921 stats.tick_list.append(tick)
927 for stat in stats.stats_list:
948 stats_not_found_list = stats.stats_list[:]
953 # Do a single regex of the union of all stats first for speed
954 if stats.regex.match(line):
955 # Then loop through only the stats we haven't seen in this window
1014 def doCapturedXML(output_path, stats):
1028 for stat in stats.stats_list:
1096 def writeCounters(blob, stats):
1098 for tick in stats.tick_list:
1103 for stat in stats.stats_list:
1110 for stat in stats.stats_list:
1172 def createApcProject(input_path, output_path, stats):
1187 writeCounters(blob, stats)
1193 doCapturedXML(output_path, stats)
1223 # Parse stat config file and register stats
1226 stats = registerStats(stat_config_file)
1229 # Parse gem5 stats
1231 # Check if both stats.txt and stats.txt.gz exist and warn if both exist
1232 if os.path.exists(input_path + "/stats.txt") and \
1233 os.path.exists(input_path + "/stats.txt.gz"):
1234 print "WARNING: Both stats.txt.gz and stats.txt exist. \
1235 Using stats.txt.gz by default."
1237 gem5_stats_file = input_path + "/stats.txt.gz"
1239 gem5_stats_file = input_path + "/stats.txt"
1241 print "ERROR: stats.txt[.gz] file does not exist in %s!" % input_path
1244 readGem5Stats(stats, gem5_stats_file)
1249 createApcProject(input_path, output_path, stats)