Lines Matching refs:Unsigned

77     activity = Param.Unsigned(0, "Initial count")
79 cacheStorePorts = Param.Unsigned(200, "Cache Ports. "
81 cacheLoadPorts = Param.Unsigned(200, "Cache Ports. "
89 fetchWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Fetch width")
90 fetchBufferSize = Param.Unsigned(64, "Fetch buffer size in bytes")
91 fetchQueueSize = Param.Unsigned(32, "Fetch queue size in micro-ops "
99 decodeWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Decode width")
105 renameWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Rename width")
113 dispatchWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Dispatch width")
114 issueWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Issue width")
115 wbWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Writeback width")
121 commitWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Commit width")
122 squashWidth = Param.Unsigned(8, "Squash width")
126 backComSize = Param.Unsigned(5, "Time buffer size for backwards communication")
127 forwardComSize = Param.Unsigned(5, "Time buffer size for forward communication")
129 LQEntries = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of load queue entries")
130 SQEntries = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of store queue entries")
131 LSQDepCheckShift = Param.Unsigned(4, "Number of places to shift addr before check")
134 store_set_clear_period = Param.Unsigned(250000,
136 LFSTSize = Param.Unsigned(1024, "Last fetched store table size")
137 SSITSize = Param.Unsigned(1024, "Store set ID table size")
139 numRobs = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of Reorder Buffers");
141 numPhysIntRegs = Param.Unsigned(256, "Number of physical integer registers")
142 numPhysFloatRegs = Param.Unsigned(256, "Number of physical floating point "
154 numPhysVecRegs = Param.Unsigned(256, "Number of physical vector "
156 numPhysVecPredRegs = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of physical predicate "
158 numPhysCCRegs = Param.Unsigned(_defaultNumPhysCCRegs,
160 numIQEntries = Param.Unsigned(64, "Number of instruction queue entries")
161 numROBEntries = Param.Unsigned(192, "Number of reorder buffer entries")
163 smtNumFetchingThreads = Param.Unsigned(1, "SMT Number of Fetching Threads")