Lines Matching defs:XMLNode

105 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getVersion() {
112 static XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding characterEncoding=XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8;
156 // When rendering the XMLNode to a string (using the "createXMLString" function),
163 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getError(XMLError xerror) {
268 wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce) {
270 if (ce == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) {
279 if (ce == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) {
311 if (characterEncoding == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) codePage = CP_UTF8;
384 wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce) {
557 XMLNode XMLNode::openFileHelper(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag) {
571 XMLNode xnode = XMLNode::parseFile(filename, tag, &pResults);
589 , filename, XMLNode::getError(pResults.error), pResults.nLine,
701 // the default is "characterEncoding=XMLNode::encoding_UTF8"
706 XMLNode XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
707 XMLClear XMLNode::emptyXMLClear = { NULL, NULL, NULL};
708 XMLAttribute XMLNode::emptyXMLAttribute = { NULL, NULL};
756 XMLError XMLNode::writeToFile(XMLCSTR filename, const char *encoding, char nFormat) const {
1233 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName) {
1244 XMLNode::XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *p) {
1248 XMLNode::XMLNode(XMLNodeData *pParent, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) {
1270 XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) {
1271 return XMLNode(NULL, lpszName, isDeclaration);
1273 XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) {
1274 return XMLNode(NULL, stringDup(lpszName), isDeclaration);
1298 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::findPosition(XMLNodeData *d, int index,
1307 // update "order" information when deleting a content of a XMLNode
1308 int XMLNode::removeOrderElement(XMLNodeData *d, XMLElementType t, int index) {
1322 void *XMLNode::addToOrder(int memoryIncrease, int *_pos, int nc, void *p,
1358 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName,
1361 d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nChild,
1362 d->pChild, sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild);
1364 d->pChild[pos] = XMLNode(d, lpszName, isDeclaration);
1370 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName,
1390 XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, int pos) {
1404 XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue,
1427 char XMLNode::parseClearTag(void *px, void *_pClear) {
1473 void XMLNode::exactMemory(XMLNodeData *d) {
1479 d->pChild = (XMLNode*)realloc(d->pChild, d->nChild * sizeof(XMLNode));
1493 char XMLNode::maybeAddTxT(void *pa, XMLCSTR tokenPStr) {
1541 int XMLNode::ParseXMLElement(void *pa) {
1549 XMLNode pNew;
1963 XMLNode XMLNode::parseString(XMLCSTR lpszXML, XMLCSTR tag,
1974 XMLNode xnode(NULL, NULL, FALSE);
2023 XMLNode XMLNode::parseFile(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults) {
2051 XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy;
2054 ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8;
2086 XMLNode x = parseString((XMLSTR)(buf + headerSz), tag, pResults);
2100 int XMLNode::CreateXMLStringR(XMLNodeData *pEntry, XMLSTR lpszMarker,
2337 XMLSTR XMLNode::createXMLString(int nFormat, int *pnSize) const {
2359 int XMLNode::detachFromParent(XMLNodeData *d) {
2360 XMLNode *pa = d->pParent->pChild;
2365 memmove(pa + i, pa + i + 1, (d->pParent->nChild - i)*sizeof(XMLNode));
2373 XMLNode::~XMLNode() {
2378 void XMLNode::deleteNodeContent() {
2387 void XMLNode::emptyTheNode(char force) {
2392 XMLNode *pc;
2431 XMLNode& XMLNode::operator=( const XMLNode & A ) {
2444 XMLNode::XMLNode(const XMLNode &A) {
2450 XMLNode XMLNode::deepCopy() const {
2451 if (!d) return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
2452 XMLNode x(NULL, stringDup(d->lpszName), d->isDeclaration);
2487 p->pChild = (XMLNode*)malloc(n * sizeof(XMLNode));
2497 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLNode childNode, int pos) {
2514 // d->pChild=(XMLNode*)myRealloc(d->pChild,(nc+1),memoryIncrease,sizeof(XMLNode));
2515 d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(0, &pos, d->nChild, d->pChild,
2516 sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild);
2522 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(int i) {
2537 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLAttribute *a) {
2540 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName) {
2546 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue,
2569 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLAttribute *newAttribute,
2580 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue,
2595 int XMLNode::indexText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const {
2607 void XMLNode::deleteText(int i) {
2620 void XMLNode::deleteText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) {
2624 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, int i) {
2638 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) {
2648 void XMLNode::deleteClear(int i) {
2661 int XMLNode::indexClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const {
2673 void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) {
2676 void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLClear *a) {
2680 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, int i) {
2694 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent,
2705 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP) {
2713 int XMLNode::nChildNode(XMLCSTR name) const {
2716 XMLNode *pc = d->pChild;
2724 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const {
2728 XMLNode *pc = d->pChild + i;
2739 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int j) const {
2752 XMLNode* XMLNode::getChildNodePtr(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const {
2756 XMLNode *pc = d->pChild + i;
2767 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPath(XMLCSTR _path, char createMissing,
2770 XMLNode x = getChildNodeByPathNonConst(path, createMissing, sep);
2775 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPathNonConst(XMLSTR path,
2778 XMLNode xn, xbase = *this;
2790 return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
2803 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (int i) const {
2807 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear (int i) const {
2811 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(int i) const {
2815 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (XMLCSTR lpszValue) const {
2818 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const {
2821 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLClear *a) const {
2825 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLNode x) const {
2828 XMLNode *pc = d->pChild;
2833 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int count) const {
2843 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeWithAttribute(XMLCSTR name, XMLCSTR attributeName,
2848 XMLNode x;
2874 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib, int *j) const {
2889 char XMLNode::isAttributeSet(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib) const {
2902 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int j) const {
2909 XMLNodeContents XMLNode::enumContents(int i) const {
2939 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getName() const {
2943 int XMLNode::nText() const {
2947 int XMLNode::nChildNode() const {
2951 int XMLNode::nAttribute() const {
2955 int XMLNode::nClear() const {
2959 int XMLNode::nElement() const {
2963 XMLClear XMLNode::getClear (int i) const {
2967 XMLAttribute XMLNode::getAttribute (int i) const {
2971 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeName (int i) const {
2975 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeValue(int i) const {
2979 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getText (int i) const {
2983 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode (int i) const {
2987 XMLNode XMLNode::getParentNode ( ) const {
2989 return XMLNode(d->pParent);
2991 char XMLNode::isDeclaration ( ) const {
2995 char XMLNode::isEmpty ( ) const {
2998 XMLNode XMLNode::emptyNode ( ) {
2999 return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
3002 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration,
3006 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration,
3010 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName, XMLCSTR lpszValue) {
3013 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev) {
3016 XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos) {
3019 XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos) {
3022 XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen,
3026 XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen,
3030 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName(XMLCSTR lpszName) {
3033 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLAttribute *newAttribute,
3039 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue,
3044 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue,
3050 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, int i) {
3053 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) {
3056 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewContent, int i) {
3059 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) {
3062 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP) {
3066 char XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLCharEncoding _characterEncoding,
3105 XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding XMLNode::guessCharEncoding(void *buf, int l,