Lines Matching defs:Flags

5455 // The Flags struct stores a copy of all Google Test flags.
5456 struct Flags {
5457 // Constructs a Flags struct where each flag has its default value.
5458 Flags() : also_run_disabled_tests(false),
5475 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_also_run_disabled_tests flag has
5477 static Flags AlsoRunDisabledTests(bool also_run_disabled_tests) {
5478 Flags flags;
5483 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_break_on_failure flag has
5485 static Flags BreakOnFailure(bool break_on_failure) {
5486 Flags flags;
5491 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_catch_exceptions flag has
5493 static Flags CatchExceptions(bool catch_exceptions) {
5494 Flags flags;
5499 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_death_test_use_fork flag has
5501 static Flags DeathTestUseFork(bool death_test_use_fork) {
5502 Flags flags;
5507 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_filter flag has the given
5509 static Flags Filter(const char* filter) {
5510 Flags flags;
5515 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_list_tests flag has the
5517 static Flags ListTests(bool list_tests) {
5518 Flags flags;
5523 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_output flag has the given
5525 static Flags Output(const char* output) {
5526 Flags flags;
5531 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_print_time flag has the given
5533 static Flags PrintTime(bool print_time) {
5534 Flags flags;
5539 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_random_seed flag has
5541 static Flags RandomSeed(Int32 random_seed) {
5542 Flags flags;
5547 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_repeat flag has the given
5549 static Flags Repeat(Int32 repeat) {
5550 Flags flags;
5555 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_shuffle flag has
5557 static Flags Shuffle(bool shuffle) {
5558 Flags flags;
5563 // Creates a Flags struct where the GTEST_FLAG(stack_trace_depth) flag has
5565 static Flags StackTraceDepth(Int32 stack_trace_depth) {
5566 Flags flags;
5571 // Creates a Flags struct where the GTEST_FLAG(stream_result_to) flag has
5573 static Flags StreamResultTo(const char* stream_result_to) {
5574 Flags flags;
5579 // Creates a Flags struct where the gtest_throw_on_failure flag has
5581 static Flags ThrowOnFailure(bool throw_on_failure) {
5582 Flags flags;
5637 static void CheckFlags(const Flags& expected) {
5662 const Flags& expected, bool should_print_help) {
5721 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags(), false);
5736 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags(), false);
5753 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Filter(""), true);
5769 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Filter(""), false);
5785 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Filter("abc"), false);
5801 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::BreakOnFailure(true), false);
5817 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::BreakOnFailure(false), false);
5833 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::BreakOnFailure(false), false);
5849 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::BreakOnFailure(false), false);
5866 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::BreakOnFailure(true), false);
5882 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::CatchExceptions(true), false);
5898 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::DeathTestUseFork(true), false);
5916 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Filter("b"), false);
5935 Flags flags;
5954 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ListTests(true), false);
5970 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ListTests(true), false);
5986 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ListTests(false), false);
6002 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ListTests(false), false);
6018 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ListTests(false), false);
6035 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags(), true);
6051 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Output("xml"), false);
6067 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Output("xml:file"), false);
6084 Flags::Output("xml:directory/path/"), false);
6100 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::PrintTime(true), false);
6116 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::PrintTime(true), false);
6132 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::PrintTime(false), false);
6148 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::PrintTime(false), false);
6164 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::PrintTime(false), false);
6180 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::RandomSeed(1000), false);
6196 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Repeat(1000), false);
6213 Flags::AlsoRunDisabledTests(true), false);
6230 Flags::AlsoRunDisabledTests(true), false);
6247 Flags::AlsoRunDisabledTests(false), false);
6263 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Shuffle(true), false);
6279 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Shuffle(false), false);
6296 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Shuffle(true), false);
6312 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::StackTraceDepth(5), false);
6328 argv, argv2, Flags::StreamResultTo("localhost:1234"), false);
6344 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ThrowOnFailure(true), false);
6360 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ThrowOnFailure(false), false);
6377 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::ThrowOnFailure(true), false);
6398 Flags expected_flags;
6455 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags(), false);
6476 GTEST_TEST_PARSING_FLAGS_(argv, argv2, Flags::Filter("abc"), false);
6499 Flags expected_flags;