Lines Matching defs:tech

73         //Grab pointer to tech model
74 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
77 double vdd = tech->get("Vdd");
78 double gate_cap = tech->get("Gate->CapPerWidth");
79 double drain_cap = tech->get("Drain->CapPerWidth");
80 double nmos_eff_res = tech->get("Nmos->EffResWidth");
81 double pmos_eff_res = tech->get("Pmos->EffResWidth");
82 double pmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Pmos->EffResStackRatio");
83 double gate_pitch_contacted = tech->get("Gate->PitchContacted");
84 double metal1_wire_min_width = tech->get("Wire->Metal1->MinWidth");
91 double nmos_width = std::max(calculateNmosWidth(cell_, 1, 2, 1) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
92 double pmos_width = std::max(calculatePmosWidth(cell_, 1, 2, 2) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
95 double leakage_power_00 = vdd * folds * 2 * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(1, nmos_width, 0x0);
96 double leakage_power_01 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x1);
97 double leakage_power_10 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x2);
98 double leakage_power_11 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x3);
115 double wire_cap = tech->calculateWireCapacitance("Metal1", wire_width, wire_spacing, wire_length);
173 //Grab pointer to tech model
174 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
177 double vdd = tech->get("Vdd");
178 double gate_cap = tech->get("Gate->CapPerWidth");
179 double drain_cap = tech->get("Drain->CapPerWidth");
180 double nmos_eff_res = tech->get("Nmos->EffResWidth");
181 double pmos_eff_res = tech->get("Pmos->EffResWidth");
182 double nmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Nmos->EffResStackRatio");
183 double gate_pitch_contacted = tech->get("Gate->PitchContacted");
184 double metal1_wire_min_width = tech->get("Wire->Metal1->MinWidth");
191 double nmos_width = std::max(calculateNmosWidth(cell_, 2, 1, 2) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
192 double pmos_width = std::max(calculatePmosWidth(cell_, 2, 1, 1) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
195 double leakage_power_00 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x0);
196 double leakage_power_01 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x1);
197 double leakage_power_10 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x2);
198 double leakage_power_11 = vdd * folds * 2 * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(1, pmos_width, ~0x3);
217 double wire_cap = tech->calculateWireCapacitance("Metal1", wire_width, wire_spacing, wire_length);
271 //Grab pointer to tech model
272 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
275 double vdd = tech->get("Vdd");
276 double gate_cap = tech->get("Gate->CapPerWidth");
277 double drain_cap = tech->get("Drain->CapPerWidth");
278 double nmos_eff_res = tech->get("Nmos->EffResWidth");
279 double pmos_eff_res = tech->get("Pmos->EffResWidth");
280 double gate_pitch_contacted = tech->get("Gate->PitchContacted");
281 double metal1_wire_min_width = tech->get("Wire->Metal1->MinWidth");
288 double nmos_width = std::max(calculateNmosWidth(cell_, 1, 1, 1) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
289 double pmos_width = std::max(calculatePmosWidth(cell_, 1, 1, 1) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
292 double leakage_power_0 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(1, nmos_width, 0x0);
293 double leakage_power_1 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(1, pmos_width, ~0x1);
307 double wire_cap = tech->calculateWireCapacitance("Metal1", wire_width, wire_spacing, wire_length);
370 //Grab pointer to tech model
371 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
374 double vdd = tech->get("Vdd");
375 double gate_cap = tech->get("Gate->CapPerWidth");
376 double drain_cap = tech->get("Drain->CapPerWidth");
377 double nmos_eff_res = tech->get("Nmos->EffResWidth");
378 double pmos_eff_res = tech->get("Pmos->EffResWidth");
379 double pmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Pmos->EffResStackRatio");
380 double nmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Nmos->EffResStackRatio");
381 double gate_pitch_contacted = tech->get("Gate->PitchContacted");
382 double metal1_wire_min_width = tech->get("Wire->Metal1->MinWidth");
389 double nmos_width = std::max(calculateNmosWidth(cell_, 2, 2, 2) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
390 double pmos_width = std::max(calculatePmosWidth(cell_, 2, 2, 2) * normalized_size_ / folds, (double) tech->get("Gate->MinWidth"));
397 double leakage_power_010_0 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x2);
398 double leakage_power_010_1 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x0);
399 double leakage_power_011_0 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x3);
400 double leakage_power_011_1 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x1);
401 double leakage_power_100_1 = vdd * folds * tech->calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(2, nmos_width, 0x2);
402 double leakage_power_101_0 = vdd * folds * tech->calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(2, pmos_width, ~0x1);
426 double wire_cap = tech->calculateWireCapacitance("Metal1", wire_width, wire_spacing, wire_length);
455 //Grab pointer to tech model
456 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
458 double nmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Nmos->EffResStackRatio");
459 double pmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Pmos->EffResStackRatio");
477 //Grab pointer to tech model
478 const TechModel* tech = cell_->getTechModel();
480 double nmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Nmos->EffResStackRatio");
481 double pmos_eff_res_stack_ratio = tech->get("Pmos->EffResStackRatio");