Lines Matching refs:help

86                       help = """Top-level voltage for blocks running at system
90 help = """Top-level clock for blocks running at system
96 help="List available memory types")
99 help = "type of memory to use")
101 help = "number of memory channels")
103 help = "number of memory ranks per channel")
106 help="Specify the physical memory size (single memory)")
108 help="Enable low-power states in DRAMCtrl")
115 help="use external ports of this port_type for caches")
117 help="use external port for SystemC TLM cosimulation")
138 metavar="TICKS", help="Run to absolute simulated tick "
141 metavar="TICKS", help="Simulate for specified number of"
145 help="Run to the specified absolute simulated time in "
148 help="Set a SimObject parameter relative to the root node. "
164 help="List available CPU types")
167 help = "type of cpu to run with")
170 help="List available branch predictor types")
173 help="List available indirect branch predictor types")
176 help = """
183 help = "type of indirect branch predictor to run with")
186 help="List available hardware prefetcher types")
189 help = """
196 help = """
203 help = """
210 help="Clock for blocks running at CPU speed")
212 help = """
217 help="""Enable capture of data dependency and instruction
222 help="""Instruction fetch trace file input to
226 help="""Data dependency trace file input to
235 help="Parallel distributed gem5 simulation.")
237 help="Use a pseudo-op to start dist-gem5 synchronization.")
239 help="Select the network switch simulator process for a"\
242 help="Rank of this system within the dist gem5 run.")
244 help="Number of gem5 processes within the dist gem5 run.")
248 help="Name of the message server host\nDEFAULT: localhost")
252 help="Message server listen port\nDEFAULT: 2200")
256 help="Repeat interval for synchronisation barriers among dist-gem5 processes\nDEFAULT: --ethernet-linkdelay")
260 help="Time to schedule the first dist synchronisation barrier\nDEFAULT:5200000000000t")
263 help="Link speed in bps\nDEFAULT: 10Gbps")
266 help="Link delay in seconds\nDEFAULT: 10us")
270 default=None, help="""Total number of instructions to
273 help="the specific work id for exit & checkpointing")
275 help="Number of distinct work item types")
277 help="exit when work starts on the specified cpu")
279 help="exit at specified work end count")
281 help="exit at specified work begin count")
283 help="""Parameter available in simulation with m5
286 help="""Exit after initialization. Do not simulate time.
291 help="Enable basic block profiling for SimPoints")
293 help="SimPoint interval in num of instructions")
295 help="<simpoint file,weight file,interval-length,warmup-length>")
297 help="restore from a simpoint checkpoint taken with " +
304 help="<M,N> take checkpoints at tick M and every N ticks thereafter")
306 help="the maximum number of checkpoints to drop", default=5)
308 help="Place all checkpoints in this absolute directory")
310 help="restore from checkpoint <N>")
312 help="take a checkpoint at end of run")
314 help="checkpoint at specified work begin count")
316 help="checkpoint at specified work end count")
318 help="checkpoint and exit when active cpu count is reached")
321 help = "cpu type for restoring from a checkpoint")
329 help="switch back and forth between CPUs with period <N>")
332 help="switch from timing to Detailed CPU after warmup period of <N>")
334 help="CPU Progress Interval")
339 help="Warmup period in total instructions (requires --standard-switch)")
341 help="base names for --take-checkpoint and --checkpoint-restore")
344 help="Number of instructions to fast forward before switching")
346 help="""Use workload simpoints as an instruction offset for
349 help="""Treat value of --checkpoint-restore or --take-checkpoint as a
354 help="Input set size for SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks.")
357 help="ARM instruction set.")
363 help="The binary to run in syscall emulation mode.")
365 help="""The options to pass to the binary, use " "
368 help="Initialize workload environment from text file.")
370 help="Read stdin from a file.")
372 help="Redirect stdout to a file.")
374 help="Redirect stderr to a file.")
376 help="The chroot option allows a user to alter the " \
394 help="Prevent simulated time from getting ahead of real time")
401 help="Specifies type of OS to boot")
404 help="Stores changed frame buffers from the VNC server to compressed "\
409 help="Provide the raw system without the linux specific bits")
412 help="List available platform types")
417 help="Specifies device tree blob file to use with device-tree-"\
420 help="Turn on the ARM Security Extensions")
422 action="store_true", help="Enable stats dump at context "\
427 help="Simulate two systems attached with an ethernet link")
430 help="Specify the benchmark to run. Available benchmarks: %s"\
435 help="Specify the filename to dump a pcap capture of the" \
440 help="Path to the disk image to use.")
442 help="OS device name for root partition")
447 help="Template for the kernel command line.")
450 help="File with a template for the kernel command line")